
Sunday, May 19, 2024

Chem trails

 In Florida this spring the skies were covered with trails criss crossing the skies. At one pount we suddenly see a rainbow splat just in the white area of one trail. Not across the blue and whitw of tge sky like a typical rainblow. Just a multicolored SPLAT. My thoughts this was tge sun reflecting in the metals released in the chemtrails.

Then about a week ago, I observed a plane flying in an upward trajectory. Leaving no trail. Then suddenly it started leaving short dashes of trail then no trail . It did this for about 4 dashes. Then just as suddenly the trail was no longer being left. Those in control will tell us its just contails. But there is no way the plane was turned off and on to leave dashes. I would guess this was where the plane was running out of whatever tgey were spraying.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Solar Storm?

  Friday, and Saturday people were seeing What appears to be northern lights/ aurora. We were told this was due to solar flares. I am not so sure. But on Saturday evening before dark, The sky lit up here, in a very unusual display here. Still daylight though. Northern lights appear at dark. After dark, the sky was black. I could see unusual colors in the sky when i took a picture with my phone camera then looked at it. Nothing spectacular though, and the sky looked black with the naked eye. Here is my daylight pic....