
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Rosa 'Madame Isaac Pereire'

       Meet Mme Isaac Pereire, a climbing bourbon with arching ,open branches.This non-patented rose was hybridized by Garcon; and introduced in France in 1881. It received  The Royal Horticultural Society  prestigious Award of Garden Merit. This beautiful,old garden rose is vigorous, tough, and hardy, and will tolerate poor soil. It is great for informal cottage gardens. To me, this rose is most notable for its fragrance. I have it growing by the steps to my front porch, and the fragrance surrounds me as soon as I step out on the porch. It has a wonderful, fruity, almost strong raspberry scent.It is possibly the most fragrant of all roses.
      The abundant foliage is large, dark green, and semi-glossy, and almost evergreen. This beauty is vigorous, tough, and hardy, and will tolerate poor soil. Unlike most delicate roses, it is very low maintenance. It has large, double, dark-pink flowers in summer and autumn. It is a repeat bloomer. I have had blooms way up until October and November of this year.It grows to a height of about 6-7 feet. it blooms on old wood, resistant to mildew, and hardy to zone 5.
      I have not tried it, but it would be wonderful to use in potpourri.I plan on trying some cuttings in the spring. I would love to have these growing everywhere. The fragrance is so intoxicating, you will never regret planting it.


  1. I do love old roses and this one looks like a beauty. I found your blog through Blotanical and decided to stop by. I look forward to reading more posts!

    The marquee might come in handy some time, thanks for sharing the code.

  2. Thank you for stopping by.I am with you on old roses, the new varieties just dont compare in beauty,fragrance, and hardiness.

  3. Hello Tammy,

    I love the fragrance of roses as well. I just planted 3 English roses - I love their fragrance and low-maintenance. I found your blog on Blotanical - Welcome!

  4. Thanks for visiting Noelle. One can never have too many roses :)

  5. Hi Tammy - I also grow this lovely rose, but in my zone 4 garden. It is a favorite. I also love Reine Victoria. I did a post on this rose. Found you from Blotanical

  6. Thanks Gloria for visiting. I looked up Reine V. and it is beautiful. I love the cupped shape.
