
Friday, February 26, 2010

GROW Project

    I just received my seeds from Renee's Garden in the mail yesterday. I am so excited to be a part of this gardening project. Thank you Renee for the wonderful seeds that makes this possible. The project is kind of a communal effort among garden bloggers to grow the same plant from seeds as one large group. We are to document the entire process by blogging about how we are growing the plant, our experience with it, tips, photo's and more. Renee generously provided Nasturtium "Spitfire" for participating bloggers. I also received some gorgeous bonus seed, Double Cosmos  "Rose Bon Bon". These look beautiful on the seed packet. I cant wait to try these as well. You can find out more about the GROW Project at this link. 
   I plan to wintersow most of these seeds, and I will hold a few back to also direct sow in the spring. I live in zone 6. We usually don't go below 0° in the winter. So far this year we have gotten down to 8°. My soil has a great deal of clay and rock, but I plan to amend my beds with compost and horse manure from a local trainer. Our summers are probably fairly mild. The average summer temp is probably around 80° to 85°, with occasional highs pushing 100°. Occasional periods of dry weather, but I usually only have to water established plants a couple of times during the growing season. Knowing my gardening habits, these guys most definitely won't be babied,lol. I plan on sowing these out in the wintersown containers around mid March, but couldn't wait to write about receiving these wonderful seeds. I plan to document with pictures further beginning with the actual wintersowing containers as we go. This is going to be a very fun, and informative project.

           "I'm growing Nasturtium "Spitfire" for the GROW project, thanks to Renee's Garden for the seeds."


  1. Oh. I love cosmos and those pink doubles looks like they will be so very pretty.
    Good luck with your seeding.

  2. I totally agree. i havent grown cosmos for many yrs. These look so gorgeous and delicate.

  3. Playing catchup with the posts from March. Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for starting early.

  4. No problem. I am anxious to get started.
