
Monday, February 08, 2010

Mosaic Monday

  Ok, I have been admiring all the contributions for Mosaic Monday for sometime. So I thought I would finally put one together. Mosaic Monday is sponsored by Mary over at  The Little Red House. This is held every week on, you guessed it, Monday. We just weathered out the second winter storm for Winter 2010. Below are some shots from my yard.


  1. Tammy, beautiful mosaic on both the header and this post. The last several days I have received a few emails with snowy photos attached from one of our sons in WV. They came inside yesterday exhausted from playing in the snow with our grandson. Beautiful photos!

  2. Thnaks for the compliment Di. I have to admit, the snow is very pretty, but I could do without,lol. Where we live,we only get 2-3 heavy snows a season. So my kids usually take advantage of it too.Thank goodness

  3. So pretty and serene. There's something very special about being snowed in for a day or two. It really brings out the desire for nesting, doesn't it?

  4. Lovely post and perfect pics for mosaic monday.

  5. Thanks Laura,Kyna, and Muhammad. You right Laura, I worked most of the day yesterday preparing for a storm and power outage we didnt get. Thank goodness.

  6. Great shots, I love the contrast of the leaf against all the white and black.
