
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

AAAHH, The Sweet Smell Of.......Manure?

     I had just about finished up using the last 3 dozer scoops (one full truckload) of  well aged horse manure my son brought in for me from my neighbors over the last couple of weeks. All those beds I had and have been putting in, got a healthy dose. So my son went last night and got me a trailer load. Four dozer scoops ! My son said he figured it was pretty close 2 ton of manure. The trailer is now waiting in the back yard for me to empty. I want to put this in my 60 ft terraced bed out back. that soil is hard, dry, compacted clay in most spots. I dont know how anything grows in it. I am adding  it in to newly dug holes while planting out my winter sown seedlings, and I would like to get at least a couple of inches added to the whole bed around all the plants.


  1. The flowers do not care what it smells like. We call that around here 'good old country air' LOL!

  2. lol, hocking hills. That is typical country smells.

  3. Is there anyone other than a garden that would drool at the thought of tons of manure? We are all jealous!

    Christine in Alaska

  4. LOL, your right Christine. Anyone else, would wrinkle up there nose and hurry off in the opposite direction.

  5. That's a lot of manure! How many horses did it take to make all that? I wish I had some for my hard clay soil! I'm afraid mine comes in little bags with a cow printed on the front!

  6. I think they have around 8, but I dont remember for sure. before I actually thought about it, I had bought a few bags here and there to just use in the planting holes.
