Friday, April 09, 2010
Checkered Lillies
I just found my Checkered Lillies in full bloom last night. Their latin name is Fritillaria meleagris, but also commonly called Snakes head Lily. Their bell-shaped flowers appear on slender stalks, and see to make their entrance suddenly, almost overnight. Mine came up as the daffodil blooms are dying and turning a dirty cream. I have had these for a few years. I moved them from another bed to the raised bed after it was built. They are very delicate and fragle looking, but seem to be doing well in my hard clay soil. I have just the burgundy colored with the noticeable checkered pattern, and the creamy white. They grow approx 12" tall, and are hardy from z 4b to 8b. They also come in a pink color which I dont have.They bloom late winter/ early spring, and prefer sun to partial shade.These were grown from bulbs, but can be grown from seed, but I am sure it would take a few years to bloom from seed.
I always marvel when I see those checkered blooms.They are so unusual and pretty.