
Friday, April 02, 2010

Grow Project

This Sunday ( the first Sunday of the month) officially starts the Grow Project using  Renee's seeds. As you might remember from my first post, she generously donated seeds from Nasturtium "Spitfire" for a sort of online online community growing project. Each month we are to document our progress. Since it's too early yet for me to direct sow, so I put  6 seeds in a container for wintersowing as shown below.

This container will now sit outside and take what weather conditions mother nature throws at it. Then when all dangers of frost are past, they will be planted out in their permanent location.I will also direct sow the remaining seeds after dangers of frost. We shall see how each fares. I also wintersowed the beautiful Cosmos "Rose Bon Bon" she sent as a bonus.

 "I'm growing Nasturtium "Spitfire" for the GROW project, thanks to Renee's Garden for the seeds."


  1. I have never wintersown nasturtiums before -- I'll have to try it next year!

    I'm looking forward to seeing how the Rose Bon Bon cosmos grow in my garden as well -- I love cosmos, so those were a nice surprise. Looking forward to reading the rest of your GROW project posts!

  2. Thanks Colleen. I have to admit, I think I am more excited about these beautiful cosmos. This is really my first attempt at w/s, and everything is sprouting up like crazy. I saved some of the nasturtium for direct sow around my potager.

  3. Tammy,

    Love that you're reusing plastic that would otherwise have gotten sent to the trash. At least for a moment it is being kept out of the landfills and being used to grow something beautiful.

  4. Thanks Mr. brown Thumb. With a 4 yo, we usually have plenty of these.

  5. Good luck on the project! I am excited to see the results :)
