
Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Winter Sowing Progress

  My first attempt at wintersowing is showing real progress. So far I have 224 container so far. Roughly 72 sprouting. I just got done spending about 1/2 hour carefully watering each one. This is probably the second time I have watered them since sowing out. I am real excited about these, and can't wait to start planting out all the little seedlings. I am sure I will probably regret that last statement once the time comes. I plan on doing the hunk-of-seedling method. This quick method involves just taking a "hunk" of seedlings and planting them. Survival of the fittest. So far the list below is what I have coming up as of today:

Butterfly bush mix colors
Joe Pye Weed, regular and chocolate
purple Coneflower
Delphinium Pacific Giant " blue jay"
Superba Clustered Bellflower
Coreopsis "Early Sunrise"
Pizzicato oriental poppy
Cardinal Carnation
White Peached Leafed Bellflower
Ballerina Sea pinks
Canterbury Bells
Hollyhock..Rose red and yellow
Snapdragon giant tetra mix
Snapdragon Crown "Candy Corn"
Schizanthus Angel Wings
Rudbeckia Tiger Eye Gold
Rudbeckia Cherokee Sunset
Rudbeckia Prairie Sun
Gaillardia Summer's Kiss
Rudbeckia Cappucino
Nicotiana Hot Chocolate
Dianthus Siberian Blues and Eastern Star
Sidalcea Pink Mix "Elsie Hughes"
Penstemon Cobaea
Penstemon Barbatus navigator
Shasta Daisy Goldrausch
Campanula Glomerata Superba
Heuchera unknown
Hollyhock Chaters Double Icicle
Mallow Pirouette
Maltese Cross
Veronica gentianoidus "Blue Streak"
Feverfew Double flowers
Poppy Orange
Echinacea White Swan
Larkspur "Blue Butterfly"
White Peach leafed bellflower
Cardinal Carnation
Rudbeckia ToTo
Coneflower Orange
Caryopteris "Summer Sorbet"
Helenium Red
Dianthus Carnation "Raspberry parfait" *
Coreopsis "Sunray"
Alyssum "Gold dust"
Calendula Bon Bon yellow
Foxglove Dwarf Foxy
Cherianthis Wallflower Bedding Mix
Kitaibelia Chalice
Antirrhum Rembrandt
Malva Moschata Alba
Daylilly (open pollinated)
Liatris kobold
Nemophilia "Penny Black"
Annual Hot Pink poppy
Annual Poppy Mix..single and peony
Lavatera Trimestris Rose Mallow
Digitalis Mertonsis "Strawberry Foxglove"
Jupiter's Beard
Rose Campion "Angels Blush"
White Variegated Money plant
White balloon Flower
Agastache Korean Mint
Bachelor's Buttons mix
Sweet Alyssum "Snow Crystals"
Alyssum "Carpet Of Snow"
Poppy Annual dark purple fringed
Blue thimble Flower
Shrimp plant
Cornflower "Blue Midget" dwarf
  What's funny is, I almost bought a "Dianthus Raspberry Parfait" plant at Lowe's the other day, but talked myself out of it. Now I see I have seeds sown of it, that are now coming up. Many, many seedlings. A lot cheaper than paying roughly $4 for ONE plant.



  1. Wow girl you sure have sowed a lot of seeds. LOL! I love them all. You are so right that it is a whole lot cheaper if you can start your own.Good luck on the new flowers and we will be waiting to see those blooms this summer and summer to come.

  2. Actually I was shocked how easy it was. in the beginning, I thought there was no way I was going to even sow 100, but by doing a few at a time through out the winter, it wasn't too bad.

  3. Hi Nice pics! Do you have a updated pic of those raspberry u show on this page? Im trying to identify my sprouts and need a look at the second set of leafs.......

    1. No I am sorry I dont. You might try a google search.

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