
Friday, July 09, 2010

Seed Grow Project July Update

          I am supposed to post an update the first Sunday of every month. July was a big OOPS for me. We didnt get back from vacation until the 30th, and I forgot. Anyway, I am going to catch up today. My nasturtium "Spitfire" is planted at the corner of the potager, in full sun. It is only partially shaded by the plants in the border in front of it.  We have in the middle of a heat wave and a very dry spell. I dug into my flower bed to try and find where I planted garlic bulbs, and found absolutely nothing. Almost like they dried up and withered away. Those two weeks that I was gone was hard on things without water. I dug down about 6" inches and found nothing but bone dry hard dirt. Since I have been back, I have been watering things as best I can, but the flower garden is only getting a light watering since we have a limited amount of well water, and the potager is getting water about every other day this week. Most of the extra I am reserving for the veggie garden. I have only grown Nasturtiums one other time in my life, and that was a very long time ago. I know I have seen pics of beautiful, full blooming nasturtiums so I figure its something with my growing conditions. Mine look healthy, nice bright green, but I have very few blooms at once. Usually only 1 or 2 at a time. I love the bright, vibrant orange color, and the white veining in the leaves though. As you may remember from my potager post, it is growing in several inches of composted horse manure.

"I'm growing Nasturtium "Spitfire" for the GROW project, thanks to Renee's Garden for the seeds."


  1. Your nasturtiums look wonderful! I'm not part of the project, but my poor nasturtiums can't get going with the heatwave. We finally got rain last night -- the only decent rainfall in six weeks while our temps have been triple digits so many times.

  2. Wow. Spitfires really look pretty amazing. I have one in my mom's garden way back in Texas. Actually, these are not that hard to grow and would really look wonderful in every garden. Thanks for sharing and posting an update.

  3. That's a sad thing in your garden. My garden always has reserve water and we only use it when ever a heat wave comes. But my problem is when heavy rains come. My flowers are in flood and it is not good. I’m always thinking for a solution for my problem. Can you suggest for something.

  4. Crystal, my suggestion would be raised beds. They drain much faster than ground level. And if you have a LOT of frequent heavy rains, then you might also try adding something to the soil that drains quickly, such as gravel or something.
