
Saturday, August 04, 2012

Indecent Exposure!

  Those ladies are at it again. In my front yard, naked as a jaybird, as us country folk say. They left their clothes lay on the ground in early spring, and disappeared. Now they are back, for the whole world to see. I have to admit, they are gorgeous. Even with their beautiful ink-stained faces. They always make me smile.
Lycoris Squamigera
Naked Ladies

And here are their clothes that they just casually threw to the ground this spring:

I had forgotten about mine again, until I was out in the front yard checking on my new apple tree, and turned around, and there they were. I love them.  They were given to me by my husbands aunt. She dug them from an old farmhouse. I just have the one small clump but it keeps getting fuller every year. The flowers get about 20" tall, and come back every year reliably in my zone 6b garden. They are also called Magic Lily, and Resurrection Lily. I like Naked Ladies, lol. So much funner.


  1. I'm with you on naked ladies. I think they're beautiful and oh, the scent. Congrats.

  2. I have 3 that I got at a plant swap about 4 years ago. They hve never bloomed. Too much shade?

    1. that is possible. Mine get all day, full hot sun from noon on. Not the best soil. kinda situated between some shrubs. not the ideal location, but i had to get them in quick, and didnt think about it much at the time. many yrs later, still never got them mved.

  3. Hi Tammy,
    I found you through the Garden Web. Your naked ladies are beautiful. We have had such a drought in the Midwest, mine did not come up now as they should have. Hope they come out of hiding next year.
