Out of the first half bushel, I got 12 quart jars. But lost one when the jar broke as I lowered into the hot water bath for processing.
Yea, I know they are not supposed to be floating.
Canned Peaches
Peel, pit, and remove fibrous red areas surrounding pit.
Slice in half or fourths. Place slices in bowl with juice of half a lemon to coat. This keeps peaches from browning as you prepare them.
Prepare a syrup. I prefer a light syrup which is 2 cups of white granulated sugar per 6 cups of water. Place this in a pot to simmer until sugar dissolves then bring to a boil.
Place canning caps into boiling water to hold till ready.
After placing peaches in a sterilized quart jar, packing them firmly, pour hot syrup over peaches. be sure to leave 1/2" head space.
Dry off rims of jars.
Place caps over and hand tighten ring.
Place jars in boiling water bath with enough water to cover jars. Process for 25 minutes for pints and 30 minutes for quarts.
When done, remove jars from water and set out on towel. Leave untouched for 24 hours, then remove rings and store. Double check your seals to be sure all lids are depressed.

Oh yummy, Tammy! Sounds like you had quite the adventure! Thanks for the canning recipe. My peaches float too! When you find "sinkers" let me know!