Beginning at the red arrow from previous steps, ch 3, and turn work to move in direction of blue arrow.
Now dc into first ch 1 space of row below. The circle at the tip of the dc symbol indicates you will make a picot at the tip of 5 dc. It is done as follows: ch 3, slip stitch (ss) back into top of last dc just completed.
Now dc into next ch 1 space, and make another picot. Contine until you have 5 dc with picot's as indicated by chart. Ch 1, and complete 12 dc into ch 7 space below. You will end at tip of blue arrow.
Your piece should look like the above pic. Click on it for a close-up view.
Now ch 7 beginning at blue arrow. Move in direction of red arrow, and dc into 7th dc of 12 dc group in row below. Dc into next dc, ch 1, dc in next dc, ch 1, and continue until you have completed 6 dc. End with 6th dc at tip of red arrow.
Now beginning at blue arrow in chart above, and moving in direction of red arrow, you will ch 3,and turn
Now you see the same pattern of 5 dc with picots at the tip again.
Dc in next ch 1 space below, ch 3, ss back into tip of previous dc completed, and ch 1, dc into next ch 1 space, picot, and repeat until you have 5 dc with picots. Ch 1, and 12 dc into ch 7 loop below, and end at tip of red arrow. Another segment completed.
Sorry for the blurred pic. I must have moved when I snapped. But your piece should look like this now. If not....its just thread....pull it out and practice again. Remember......Practice makes Perfect!
Beginning at blue arrow and working in direction of red arrow, ch 7, and dc into 7th dc from hook of previous row, ch 1, dc in next dc, and repeat until you have completed 6 dc with a ch 1 between. ending at tip of red arrow.
Your piece will now look like this.

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